Ayurvedic Health Counseling brings you knowledge about your unique doshic Prakruti/constitution and is designed to provide an on-going personalized guidance to help treat your unique doshic Vikruti/imbalance. You will be well supported throughout your treatment process as well as learning about all the different methods to bring your own health back into balance. During our time together, I can work with you on:
Integrating Ayurvedic self-care practices for everyday balance and wellness
Identifying your states of imbalance from an Ayurvedic perspective
Follow an appropriate diet according to your imbalances
Applying 5-sense therapies and practices to bring balance to your mind, body and spirit
Restoring and optimizing digestive function
Adjusting your lifestyle so that you are less susceptible to stress and disease.
The first step on your path to optimal health and peace of mind begins with your Initial Consultation (up to 2 hrs in length). This consultation will include an intake and assessment followed by a separate report of findings visit (60 min. in length). From this experience, you can expect to gain a deeper understanding of the foundational principles of Ayurveda, a summary of your Prakruti (constitution) and Vikruti (current state of imbalance), as well as initial recommendations to begin your healing journey.
A specially individualized health plan will be formulated just for you. This plan may include lifestyle recommendations, dietary suggestions, herbs, color therapy, sound therapy, aromatherapy, massage therapy, and other natural therapeutics. In order to successfully implement this health plan into your life, frequent and regular follow-up visits are recommended over a six-to-twelve month period. Follow-up visits are up to 60 minutes in length and provide an opportunity to check-in on your progress, adapt to any challenges, and to continue with additional recommendations.
All consultations are available online via Zoom or in person with me in Humboldt County, CA by appointment only.

Reiki is a Japanese technique commonly used for healing, relaxation and reducing stress. It is a simple, natural, and safe method that may be used with people of all ages. It does not interfere with other forms of therapy or medication.
Most clients feel a sense of relaxation and peace. The mind may feel calm and your physical body should feel relaxed. Reiki is so relaxing that sometimes clients may fall asleep during the session. Don’t worry though, you will still receive all of the benefits of the session, sleeping or awake. Usually, a session is done without talking and I may have soft ambient music playing in the background to aid in your relaxation. If you want to communicate something during the session, such as if you are cold or too warm, if you would like them to adjust the music, if you are feeling a sensation you would like to discuss, if something feels uncomfortable for you, if you have a question or issue, then do speak up at any time during the session. I want the best for you and to make your session the best experience possible. Also, I may ask you after the session if there is anything you would like to share and you may do so at your option. This is good feedback for my notes in planning your next session.